Size is phenotypic - each pup is likely to end up being a little different in size from its litter mates. Although parent size is an excellent indication, we can not predict an exact weight or size. Females tend to be a little smaller than males.

We work with all three sizes.

Labradoodle sizes are:

Standard = Height at shoulder 53 cm and above, and Weight about 23 kgs and up.

Medium = Height at shoulder 43 to 52 cm, and weight 13 to 23 kgs

Miniature = Height at shoulder up to 42 cm and weight about 13 kgs

We were interested, but not surprised to read the following study. Final size of the dog is only one of many factors to consider. A small, very busy, active dog will create a different energy in a house to a larger, quiet natured dog.

Dog Owners Are Happier With Big Dogs - Because they’re very, very good dogs
Santa Barbara, California, September 18, 2018 — According to a new international survey, dog owners say they get more satisfaction owning large dogs than small dogs. This preference is especially true for men and young people.

The RightPet study is the largest and most detailed pet owner satisfaction survey ever, conducted online between 2010 – 2018 examining dog breed reviews from 12,167 pet owners from 106 countries. 75% of the reviews were of purebred dogs, and 25% were of mixed breeds.

The RightPet Pet Ownership Study found that:
Both women and men are happier owning large dogs than small dogs.
Men and younger people are significantly more satisfied with medium, large, and giant breeds, and less satisfied with toy and small dogs.
Older people (around age 70) are equally satisfied with any dog size.
Dog owners with experience owning multiple dogs of different sizes report the greatest satisfaction with large dogs.

Why are dog owners happier with large dogs than small dogs? The RightPet study found a direct correlation between dog size satisfaction and the fact that dog owners rate bigger dogs as more emotionally stable, child-safe, trainable and less-barky than small dogs.

“What our study has found is that large dogs score higher in traits that are really important to most dog owners”, says Brett Hodges, owner/editor at RightPet. “People don't prefer large dogs per se – they like them because, in general, they're more even tempered, trainable, and quiet than small dogs – making them 'best in home'.”

Brett Hodges
Founder / Editor @RightPet